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TRACC Training

Two Day Crash Course
Date 29/02/2024
Time 09:30-16:00
Location Guildford, Surrey
Capacity 7
Laptop Composite TRACC

To ensure you are getting the most out of your TRACC investment, we provide a range of tailored training courses. Our software is intuitive which is why we can take you from beginner to expert user level with a minimal amount of training.

1. Introduction, Road Calculations and Reports

⦿ Loading of road datasets and creating and exporting travel time contours.

2. Public Transport Calculations and Reports

⦿ Loading of public transport data and creating public transport contours and reports.

3. Using Demographic Data

⦿ Running origin-destination calculations for multiple destinations. Loading in Census Data and utilising the reporting power of demographics to show percentages of accessibility and which destination is the most accessible and catchment areas.

4. Public Transport Data Editing

⦿ Editing of the public transport network, using census data to look at the viability of a new tram route.

Don't Fall Behind On TRACC, Sign Up to Training Here!