Our TRACC software is the market leader in public transport analysis. TRACC creates accurate multi-modal journey time calculations, including walking, cycling, public transport and car helping people calculate access and create detailed what-if scenarios.
Our TRACC software is the market leader in public transport analysis. TRACC creates accurate multi-modal journey time calculations, including walking, cycling, public transport and car helping people calculate access and create detailed what-if scenarios.

How TRACC works
Download Datasets
Create journey times from many origins to many destinations at local, regional or national scale. TRACC has industry compatibility, to ensure inclusion for data you have.
Edit/Customise Data
Upload transport networks such as buses, trains, walking or cycling routes into the application. Start making changes to timetables, routes and roads to see how these changes impact access across the network.
Publish Maps
Export results visually or using detailed reports to show your analysis to internal and external stakeholders.
Sustainable Development
Ensuring new development sites have access to key locations using different modes of transport to encourage modal shift
15 Minute Cities & 20 Minute Neighbourhoods
Providing information how accessible cities are from different modes of transport to key services to allow more sustainable modes to be utilised
Creating Accessibility Indexes
Using different ways to measure access outside of time metrices such as PTAL

Increased active travel

Features in TRACC
Trusted By Over 700 International Users
★ Download Any Public Transport Data Set
★ Load Digitised Roads
★ Infinite Number of Origins
★ Infinite Number of Destinations
★ Combine in Bundle with DataCutter and Highways Analyst
Championed by Transport for London and now utilised all over the world, PTALs combine walk times from a chosen point to the network (stations and bus stops, for example) together with service frequency data at these locations to give an access score to highlight areas poorly served by scheduled transport services.
O/D Matching
The ability to run calculations for specific OD pairs. When calculations run into the billions, this allows data to be cherry picked to ensure TRACC runs quickly and does not calculate what you don’t need.
Local Accessibility
Want to know how far away a development is from a bus stop, TRACC’s powerful local accessibility calculation allows a user to show distance away from a stop at a specific frequency to help users plan where development should be targeted.
Stop Frequency Analysis
TRACC allows a user to see where there are high frequency of services in specific corridors, this allows users to make informed decisions about new routes.

Analyse with Authoritative Data
TRACC can load a variety of datasets from open source data that is freely available, data held internally by your organisation to detailed authoritative datasets from the world's biggest mapping suppliers.
This data can add value by showing demographical information of population-based from national censuses to more detailed studies. TRACC can also utilise detailed speed datasets derived from up-to-date vehicle movements to give accurate bus routing and driving analysis.
Images are really powerful at showing travel time and distance, TRACC allows detailed and accurate isochrones/contours to be created showing customised time bands and colours. These can then be exported out to third party software if required.
When looking at more detailed analysis around irregular points, then a thematic map can be individually styled and exported to third party software showing users different frequency levels of services at bus stops, closest destination analysis or individual routes to name a few.

Different Output Options
While allowing detailed visuals, TRAC has a powerful reporting engine that can create various unique reports: -
- Large matrices showing every origin to destination
- Enhanced outputs showing time spent on each mode, interchanges, and dwell time
- Service analysis showing which routes are used most for access
- Frequency reports showing where high-frequency stops are on the network
- Demographic data to show how many people have access
- OD Path files show the exact routes used to create personal journey plans
- PTAL reports showing how the scores are calculated
These files can all be loaded in common office formats allowing users to have a deeper dive into different accessibility metrics..

Get Results Instantly
• Fully multi modal – results for car, cycle, walking or public transport
• Travel time/distance origin to destination matrices
• Travel time isochrones / point maps
• Destination catchment maps
• Demographic data reports e.g. total number of people
within X minutes of destination(s)
• Stop frequency maps
• Local accessibility maps (based upon a minimum service
frequency and maximum walking time
What have customers used TRACC for?
Editing Transportation Networks
Look at performance of current transport networks and creating new public transport services and roads to improve access
Assessing Active Travel
Looking at how current footways and cycle ways perform and model benefits such as low traffic neighbourhoods
Fair & Accurate School Catchment
Generate accurate walking and cycling routes for pupil enrolment and promoting modal shift
TRACC Licenses
This type of licence is well suited when you want to access the application from a different location, for example you might have TRACC installed on a server in a different office, or installed centrally. If you then access this licence using a remote desktop management tool, this is the licence you require.
☑ User Capacity: Multi-Tenancy
☑ Remote & Central Server
This allows TRACC to be installed on multiple machines, though only a licenced number of concurrent users can access the application at one time, for example you might have 20 machines with TRACC installed but only 1 concurrent licence, this means whenever any of the 20 machines has TRACC open, no other machines will be able to access the software. TRACC can be access either remotely or via the standard desktop licence.
This type of licencing requires interaction with a licencing server, this is a small application that sits on a server on the network of the client, this needs to be accessed via the internal network. This licence can work well if you want many offices to have access to TRACC, but it is unlikely many will need to access the software at the same time.
☑ User Capacity: Pre-Set, Limited Machines
☑ Remote & Central Server
An extension of our server licence, without using capacity on your machine, as well as automatic backups and updates. This licence covers use of TRACC hosted in the Cloud. The software is accessed remotely via a single login.
☑ Cloud Hosted Login
☑ Storage Options
Storage: 500, Ram: 32, £735 p/m
Storage: 1000, Ram: 64, £920 p/m
Storage: 1000, Ram: 128, £1035 p/m
Storage: 1000, Ram: 256, £1335 p/m
Success Stories

TRACC used to overturn decision to close NHS emergency centre
In the spring of 2014, Somerset CCG set out to discover how a proposed centralised stroke service, based at Taunton Hospital, would affect the population of Somerset as a whole

Improving Parking Permit Systems and Promoting Active Travel
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHFT) needed to introduce a sustainable car parking permit solution for staff, patients, visitors and service users following increased pressure on their existing car parks.

Department for Transport Uses TRACC to Inform Policy Decisions
The UK Department for Transport (DfT) have been developing and publishing journey time statistics for over 10 years
TRACC Clients

Using TRACC has allowed us to get much more accurate results; we can put in the whole of our regional bus, rail and road networks, visualising access better to make decisions.

Joanne Keay
Strategy Officer, Staffordshire County Council
Analyzing accessibility in small geographies such as census blocks reveals hotspots with very poor accessibility that will not show up when bigger geographies are used. TRACC helped us estimate travel times and accessibility between tens of thousands of census blocks within a reasonable time-frame, a task no other software I was familiar with was able to handle.

Amir Poorfakhraei
Senior Transport Planner, East-West Gateway
Standard Desktop License
Access TRACC via a local machine, such as a laptop or desktop computer. This user has access to the software that is capable of undertaking large calculations.
✅ User Capacity: One per license
✅ Number of Installs: One
❌ Remote Access:
Machine Requirements: Local Install with Minimum Hardware Requirements.

Remote Server License
Accessed remotely, covering cloud services in addition to local installations.
✅ User Capacity: One per license
✅ Number of Installs: One
✅Remote Access
Machine Requirements: Local Install with Minimum Hardware Requirements.

Concurrent License
Installed on multiple machines/servers, access is controlled via active users.
✅ User Capacity: One per license
✅ Number of Installs: Unlimited
✅Remote Access
Machine Requirements: Local Install with Minimum Hardware Requirements.

An extension of our other licenses with the added advantage of being used anywhere in the world without using capacity on your machine, as well as automatic backups and updates. This license covers the use of TRACC hosted in the Cloud, single login available.
✅ User Capacity: One per license
✅ Number of Installs: Unlimited
✅Remote Access
Why TRACC Web?
➊ Unlimited Database Size
➊ Hardware options for your requirement
➊ Hassle-Free Access
➊ Improved Productivity
➊ TRACC Web is ISO 27001 certified