TRACC 2.0.2 Is Here!
TRACC V2.0.2 Spring Release 2022
Starting the year off with a release of TRACC is always something to look forward to. Admittedly this release is somewhat smaller than our last, but it still comes with some fun improvements and fixes that we think users will get a lot from while we work towards our next release.
See below to find out what we’ve done.
New Features/Improvements:


Unselect items

Grid Density Pre-set Options

What's New?
One of the larger changes as part of this release is how we licence TRACC.
For those on the concurrent version, this will mean a significant change in how this is setup for both parties. This improvement should better the performance of communication between the host and server. With many clients now taking international concurrent licences, issues with connecting from other countries should be solved.
IMPORTANT NOTE If you’re currently using either the Desktop, Server or Web version of TRACC, you won’t really notice a difference except for the need of a new licence file, please contact us when you upgrade so we can issue this to you.
For current and future concurrent users here is a snapshot of what to expect:
You will need to install an application called TRACC Concurrent Licence Server onto a server that controls the communication between server and client licence. But the difference here is that you view this information inside a more user-friendly browser.

New Things You Can Do
You will be able to upload the server licence, view maximum number of users that can connect in one go as well as view which users are actively using TRACC.
Users connecting to TRACC on their own machines, can install the software as normal and use the same web link as above to download their client licence file.
Unselect items
Always find yourself selecting bits of data that you didn’t quite mean to use but then couldn’t remove said selection? That’s now a thing of the past, with the ability to undo your mistakes. As normal use ‘Ctrl+Click’ to select parts of a layer and then ‘Alt+Click’ to unselect without the need of redoing your selection from scratch.
Customisable Scale Bar
This is a new option that allows you to view data at a scale of your choice. All you need to do is double click on the scale in the bottom right corner of TRACC and enter a new figure. Then sit back and watch TRACC change the scale right in front of your eyes.
Grid Density Pre-set Options
If you were ever unsure of what distance to use when importing an area shapefile or drawing a grid for your origins and destinations, you will now be able to choose from a set of recommended distances; Urban 50m, Suburban 250m, Rural 500m and Custom. Making it easier to decide on what is most appropriate for the area of interest.
Requirements Checker
A quick name change, Dr TRACC has now become the Requirements Checker. Alongside with a fresh UI that ties in better with that of TRACC, it now is able to better check when pre-requirements have been installed/uninstalled fixing an issue where modern SQL installs were not being picked up.
Footpaths in Drive OD Calculations
Seeing as you can’t drive on a footpath, the Drive OD Calculation would return inaccessible results between any origins and destinations where the closest road link was a footpath. We’ve adjusted the algorithm so that in scenarios like this, it removes the footpath and uses the next closest road link provided this is drivable and within the external connection distance.
Using the Wrong Side of Speeds
Path reports for Drive OD calculations were not always registering the right side of the road based on the speeds in the A>B and B>A columns. This has now been fixed.
Increasing the Walk Interchange Penalty
The walk interchange penalty has a new name, the stop hopping penalty. The default value has been increased to 999. The issue was if the walk distance between two stops was more than 500m and that was the only way to complete a journey, TRACC would use another stop as a stepping-stone to get to the stop it needed to continue the journey. By increasing the default value for the walk interchange penalty this removes the problem. You may get more inaccessible results, but you can readjust this penalty or even increase the internal connection distance.
Registering New Public Transport Modes
When adding or changing services with new public transport modes, these will no longer appear as None in the timetable and when setting up calculations.