New Year, New Changes; The Opening of Silvertown Tunnel

The Project
The Silvertown Tunnel, a landmark infrastructure project set to open in April 2025, represents a significant step forward in improving connectivity and reducing congestion in east London. Spanning 1.4 kilometres beneath the River Thames, this twin-bore road tunnel will link Silvertown in the London Borough of Newham with the Greenwich Peninsula, providing an alternative to the heavily trafficked Blackwall Tunnel.
While primarily designed to alleviate road congestion, the Silvertown Tunnel is also a forward-thinking project that supports sustainable modes of transport. Key features include dedicated bus lanes within the tunnel, enhanced walking and cycling infrastructure around the tunnel entrances, and a new shuttle service for cyclists. The shuttle, running every 12 minutes, will make cross-river cycling more convenient, while plans for 21 buses per hour in each direction will further enhance public transport connectivity.
Click here for more information on the project.
In this blog, we will explore how Basemap’s TRACC software can model the positive impact of the Silvertown Tunnel on cycle travel times. By analysing route options and accessibility improvements, TRACC provides valuable insights into how this infrastructure project will reshape sustainable travel in London. Join us as we delve into how this innovative tool highlights the tunnel’s role in promoting greener and more connected journeys for cyclists and commuters alike.

Investigating the Benefits of the Cycle Shuttle with TRACC
To better understand the benefits of the cycle shuttle, we used TRACC to analyse its impact on travel times. TRACC enables detailed journey analysis across walking, cycling, car, and public transport modes, allowing for comprehensive comparisons.
By importing the latest road data (Ordnance Survey Multi-Modal Routing Network) and public transport networks via DataCutter, we assessed the current cycle accessibility to the shuttle stops on both sides of the river. We then compared this with the projected travel times following the introduction of the cycle shuttle.

The Outcome
The analysis revealed a significant improvement in accessibility across a large area of London, with journey times notably reduced. Locations nearest to the shuttle stops are expected to benefit most, with time savings of just over 12 minutes.
It is important to note that these time savings are based solely on the introduction of the cycle shuttle. Additional reductions in journey times could be realised with the planned regeneration on both sides of the river and the related improvements to cycle infrastructure.
By highlighting these impacts, TRACC demonstrates the transformative potential of the Silvertown Tunnel for cycling and sustainable travel, paving the way for a greener and more connected future for London.