Shrewsbury Moves
In January 2024, Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership released the “Shrewsbury Moves” strategy. This strategy sets out proposals to reduce through traffic, increase public transport use and improve the experience for pedestrians and cyclists to promote more sustainable travel. Continue reading to find out how we used TRACC to analyse the proposals and investigate their impact on journeys within Shrewsbury.

1. Traffic Management & active travel inside the river loop
The first set of changes are to take place on the inside of the river loop by proposing three "loops" for private vehicle journeys into the centre to reduce congestion, improve bus times and encourage walking and cycling. The hope is to reduce traffic and improve bus priority by making a two-way bus service between Welsh Bridge and English Bridge, which is currently not available meaning bus users must interchange to travel to either side of town.

2. Traffic Management & active travel outside the river loop
The second set of proposals focus on journeys outside of the river loop. These include a reduction in road speed from 30mph to 20mph, to create a safer environment for active travel, and Local Access Priority Areas in residential areas, to reduce through traffic. There are also proposals to improve active travel infrastructure as well as providing new links, such as across the railway and across the river.

3. Public Transport and Micromobility
The third section of the proposals are changes to existing and new public transport services. To make better use of the river around the town centre, there are plans to introduce a water taxi which will help facilitate journeys from locations such as Shrewsbury Castle to West Midlands Showground.
There are many Park & Ride sites around Shrewsbury with services that run no later than 6.30pm or on weekends. These services tend to experience delays and have one stop within the city. Proposals are being made to improve levels of service and choice at each location to make it more attractive.
Mobility hubs are also being introduced at locations such as the rail station alongside new bus priority lanes and improvements to frequency and routes.

4. Parking plus
The final set of proposals relate to parking charges with higher charges for more central locations within the river loop.
These changes are part of a growing movement across many councils who are taking actions to reduce car usage within towns and city centres and promote more sustainable travel. Click here to take a look at what Oxfordshire County Council are doing.

Our TRACC Analysis
The key changes we focused on:
- Introduction of traffic loops within the river loop
- New active travel links across the river and railway line
- Addition of a two-way bus route
- Introduction of the river taxi
- Consolidation of bus station and railway station into a mobility hub
The data used for the analysis was obtained from Datacutter this included the Q4 2024 public transport network, the OS Highways network and traffic speeds (available to local authorities through the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA)). Inside TRACC we amended the road network by removing access for private motor vehicles along certain links and to add in new active travel links. Using TRACC's PT editing tools existing bus stops were re-located and we created new stops for a two-way bus route and water taxi.
New Traffic Loops
Car access was removed at the proposed locations within TRACC and analysed the journey time from four gateways to the town centre. There was little change to journey times within each loop, however, journeys to other loops could take considerably longer. In particular, journeys from Chester Street Gyratory to other loops were increased by between 9 and 24 minutes due to the detour required.
It is worth noting that the analysed journeys show the worst case scenario as the majority of journeys will start from outside of the river loop and therefore the required detour is unlikely to be as large.
Outside of the plans in Shrewsbury Moves, Shropshire Council are also looking at the addition of a relief road to link the northern and western parts of Shrewsbury.

New Travel Links
The next change modelled was the introduction of new active travel links between Water Lane and Quarry Place and across the railway. The proposed railway link would give those to the east of the river loop a new route to access the station, cutting journey times by up to 30% for residents of the Old Meadow. The proposed footbridge connecting Water Lane and Quarry Place could similarly cut journey times by up to 70% for those living closest to the bridge.

Public Transport Changes
A two-way bus route was added to connect Frankwell to Bellevue, as well as stopping at the railway station mobility hub. Also a water-taxi was added to increase access around town and to the West Midlands Showground. These changes had a large impact on journey times by public transport. For example, journeys from the Quarry to West Midlands Showground were reduced by up to 63% due to the two water-taxi stops within the park connecting directly to the showground. As well as allowing for direct public transport journey to be made from Frankwell to Bellevue, there was also a 40% reduction in travel time to Bellevue from near the train station due to the new mobility hub and water taxi stop.
The analysis carried out in TRACC suggests that the proposed changes will make sustainable transport modes much more attractive within Shrewsbury, as well as discouraging private vehicle use. With faster journey times by walking, cycling and public transport, it is hoped that Shrewsbury will become a healthier and safer place to travel and live.
If you would like more detail about this analysis, click here.
Shrewsbury Moves is a ten-year plan and we can’t wait to see how it progresses!